12.02.2009 17:17
Exciting day for Bathalapalli
Marc Parramon (enviat especial)
This Thursday there was much media expectation surrounding the inauguration of the first XICS centre in Asia, specifically in Bathalapalli (India). More than 300 people were there for the opening.
At four in the afternoon (local time) the FC Barcelona president opened the new XICS centre by
unveiling a plaque written in three languages: Catalan, Telugu (the language in the region) and
English. Shortly after unveiling the plaque, president Joan Laporta and the general director of the
Foundation, Marta Segú, broke open a coconut, a traditional act in the region at to mark the end of
a project and bring about good luck.
This symbolic gesture was followed by a football match, for which the Barça president took
the honorary kick off.
Collaboration with Fundación Vicente Ferrer

“It is an honour to get this project started”, said Joan
Laporta. Indeed, after two years of work and close collaboration with the Fundación Vicente Ferrer,
today was the culmination of a project that has brought much excitement. “This project is
being run to promote the social inclusion of the Dalits and we want to encourage the people in this
area to make the most of this chance.”
The Barça president also thanked the Fundación Vicente Ferrer for its collaboration with this
project. “I have to highlight the work done by the Fundación Vicente Ferrer because not only
are they intelligent, but generous too to have agreed to participate in this XICS project”.
In fact, before the inauguration, the Barça entourage went to visit one of this charity
organisation’s offices in the same district, the Bukkaraya Samudram centre, which holds
workshops for the handicapped and also Kaluakari workshops.
Coincident project

This NGO believes that the XICS centres have a lot in keeping with their
own ideas. “Here at the Fundación Vicente Ferrer, we believe that sport is important for
promoting development. The XICS fit in well with our philosophy because they provide access to
education and leisure through sport”, said the subdirector of programmes at the FVF
(Fundación Vicente Ferrer), Moncho Ferrer.
Ferrer elaborated further, explaining how today is an especially exciting day for the
children of Bathalapalli. “It is the first the children in this town have ever touched a
computer” he said.
Visit to the district

After the inauguration and along with Jordi Folgado, the general
director of the Fundación Vicente Ferrer in Spain and Moncho Ferrer, subdirector of programmes for
the same organisation, the group went to visit one of the classrooms at this new XICS centre. They
watched as classes were given on computing, maths and English. Local and regional authorities, such
as the Governor for the District of Anantapur and the councillor for sports in the region, joined
the Barça representatives.