08.04.2010 15:27
Recognition of the man who created a style
Vanessa Forns
In a solemn event, Johan Cruyff has been officially made president of honour in Sala Paris. Joan Laporta was there at this recognition of the man who created the modern-day Barça style.
Sala París was packed with different people from his time both as a player and a manager, and also
the current team, including coach Josep Guardiola and the four captains. Other sporting dignitaries
were also there, along with several members of the media, for the unveiling of the president of
honour of FC Barcelona. This was Cruyff’s moment, a man Joan Laporta said “is a merited
footballer and coach and the creator of the Barça style of play”.

“As a player he turned football into an art form … Johan
came along and revolutionised everything … the modern day Barça started with him … He
is the expression of our identity … He brought us a style of football we love … There
is a huge sense of gratitude to a Barcelona personage who gave everything … this love between
Cruyff, Barcelona, Catalonia and Barça is one further reason for considering this recognition to be
so deserved”. These are just a few excerpts from the gushing praise president Joan Laporta
bestowed upon his new President of Honour.
An honour

The Secretary of the Board, Josep Cubells, then read a proclamation of
the award as a visibly emotional Johan Cruyff stepped onto the stage to receive a badge accrediting
his new position. After saying how honoured he felt, he then looked back over his 37 years
associated to FC Barcelona.
He also spoke about his personal way of understanding football. He underlined the importance
of football being played for enjoyment. “If you can get a player to run with a smile,
you’ve done fantastic job” he said.
Importance of sport
“Doing sport is improving your quality of life” said Cruyff, before explaining
what the Foundation that bears his name is all about, which is totally associated to the promotion
of sport.
The Foundation and Unicef

He also had some words of respect for Frank Rijkaard, who he said was
“the image of the club” from 2003, when they felt it was time for “a total change
of face”, and also exalted the agreement between Barça and Unicef: “If you wear the
‘Unicef’ name it means you haven’t forgotten the people. You are playing for
them. This decision marked out a very important direction for the club.” He also praised the
club’s foundation, which “is doing a very important job. There is much more to be won
in life. If you are ready to help, the rest will help you.”