03.07.2010 19:53
Rosell visits the Monastery of Montserrat
Xavi Tauler/Aida Soriano
The president of FC Barcelona, Sandro Rosell, and the board of directors, paid a visit to the mountain and monastery of Montserrat on Saturday, symbols of the Catalan nation.
On Saturday morning, Mr Rosell made
his first visit to a supporters’ club
. In the afternoon he and the board of directors went to the emblematic mountain
monastery of Montserrat for a meeting with the abbot, Josep Maria Soler.
The Basilica
They visited the Basilica which houses the Virgin Mother of Montserrat and had a private
meeting with the abbot. Afterwards they spoke to reporters about their discussions.
Symbols of Catalonia

Mr Rosell told reporters: “Montserrat and Barca have three points
in common. They both represent a feeling; they are pillars of Catalonia and everyone here loves
Barca and Montserrat”. Mr Rosell thanked the abbot for his hospitality and assured him he
would always be welcome in the Camp Nou.
According to the abbot: “Barca and Montserrat are institutions which the Catalan people
identify with”. He also identified training and individual effort as values which define both

The abbot took the opportunity to congratulate Mr Rosell on the result
of the presidential election. “The number of votes is a reason to feel you have the support
to give a new impulse to the management of Barca”.
Immortalizing the moment
Sandro Rosell was given the medal of the Virgin Mother of Montserrat by the abbot and the
entire board posed for a photo with the Barca flag in front of the Basilica.