16.10.2010 15:06
Previous board called to respond
The FC Barcelona compromisarios have voted to enforce the social action of responsibility against the club’s previous board with 468 finding in favour, 439 against and 113 abstaining.
Joan Laporta’s board were in charge until June 30 this year and have now been called upon to
respond in the courts. In what was a historic vote all arguments were heard before the count was
made and the final figure showed that the motion was passed and proceedings would begin.
Voting freedom
Sandro Rosell gave the board of directors the freedom to vote assumed
personal responsibility and answered the doubts of the delegates on the matter. In a personal
decision a a written document was shown on the big screens with four arguments in favour of the
social action of responsibility and five against. In the end he chose to abstain.
Important decision
Before the voting took place the FC Barcelona president asked the members to think
about Barça in the same way that the former director Evarist Murtra said to Guardiola when he took
charge of the first team.
"This is a highly important social decision in the history of the club," Rosell explained.
"There is nothing agreeable about all this. Personally I am having a bad time with it all."