26.03.2009 12:17
Individual training diaries
Jesús Carrillo
Apart from training and the matches themselves, FC Barcelona’s internationals are keeping a detailed dairy of all the exercises they are doing away from the Club.
This season, Barça players are being told to write everything they do while they are with their
national squads. The idea is to keep Barça’s fitness coaches fully informed of the
players’ training activities away from the Camp Nou.
What, how and how much!

They have to indicate the length of time spent training,
whether the session is focussed on fitness or tactics, how long they spend on the pitch and how
long in the gym etc. They also have to give similar details on the training matches they take part
On the players’ return from international duty, the coaches will adjust their training
programmes to take into account the work the players have done while with the nation squads.
Down to the last detail
The Barça coaching staff have been applying this new policy since the start of the season but
after nearly eight months of competitive football the coaches need to know every last detail in
order to keep the players in top shape.