06.04.2009 18:41
Attention fixed on Champions League
The squad trained behind closed doors at the Nou Camp on Monday evening, with their attention fixed very firmly on the Bayern game on Wednesday.

The players enjoyed a well-deserved rest on Sunday, but were
back at work at 18.00 on Monday as Pep Guardiola put them through their paces. The importance of
Wednesday’s game was made clear to the squad who trained away from the prying eyes of press
and public in the Nou Camp.
Barça Atlètic youngsters Gai Assulin and Jeffren Suárez joined the rest of the first team
squad for the session.
First of three

Monday’s was the first of three training sessions before the
Bayern game, with another workout at 11.00 on Tuesday, again behind closed doors at the Nou Camp
before the squad decampi to the Hotel Florida, as they did before the last Champions League game
against Lyon.
On match day the squad will again train at the Nou Camp before returning to their hotel to
await the game itself.