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06.04.2009 20:37

Piqué: “Clean sheet will be key”

Edgar Fornós

He insists that keeping a clean sheet on Wednesday could be the difference between success and failure in the tie as a whole: “It’s key not to let them score. Going to Germany for the 2nd leg with no goals against us could be the determining factor".

With just a little over 24 hours to go till kick off, the Catalan defender isn’t just thinking about keeping the Germans out though, claiming: “it’s also important that we can go into the second leg with at least a two or three goal advantage, but we have to be careful - they’re a dangerous outfit”.

Bayern qualities

ZUERAS_WEB_RUEDA_DE_PRENSA_GERARD_PIQUE_06-04-09_063.JPGPiqué is well aware of the qualities that Bayern bring to the game: “they’re the best team in Germany. They have some very strong and experienced players and they saw off Sporting 12-1 in the last round. I’m sure they’ll come here to defend and try and catch us on the break with their fast forwards”.

Fans support important

The fans are also going to be important and Piqué was adamant: “I’ve known this place since I was a kid and I know the fans will always respond when we need them. I’m convinced that the supporters will pack the stadium and get right behind us. They are bound to be important in getting us through the tie and into the semi-finals”.
Piqué: “Clean sheet will be key”
Basketball fan
Piqué has become a big fan of the basketball team too and is a regular at the Palau and although he’s firmly focussed on Wednesday’s game, he’ll be there to see Xavi Pascual’s team bid for the Final Four in Berlin, explaining “I’m not going to miss the TAU game – I’ve got my seat reserved for that one!”

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