26.01.2010 19:17
Tuesday training focuses on fitness
Marc Guillén / Anna Segura
The players were treated to a tough training session on Tuesday with the emphasis on the physical side of the game. Jeffren took part in the whole session while Sergio Busquets avoided some of the exercises.
Following on from Monday’s light recovery session, the Barça fitness coaches put the players
through a demanding fitness session on Tuesday afternoon. Although reporters were only permitted to
watch the first quarter of an hour of the session, it was clear that the emphasis would be on
fitness rather than ball skills.
Busquets on the mend

Sergio Busquets, who has been sidelined by a painful bruised kidney, is
gradually getting back to normal training. On both Monday and Tuesday he was able to join his
team-mates for part of the session.
Jeffren recovered from tonsillitis

Meanwhile, Jeffren returned to training on Tuesday after missing the
previous day’s session due to tonsillitis. However, he has still not received the medical all
clear on the leg injury he picked up in the friendly in Kuwait.
For his part, Seydou Keita worked out in the gym. However, he is not available for the
Sporting match due to suspension.