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11.04.2010 16:42

Two league games this week


The squad will be back in training on Monday to prepare for two more vital league games this week, with the visit of Deportivo on Wednesday and the short trip across town to play Espanyol on Saturday night.

The players are enjoying a well earned day off after last night’s win at the Bernabeu, but they will be back under Guardiola’s orders on Monday with the games against Deportivo and Espanyol the first of seven hurdles to be cleared in the hunt for the league title.

Three days to prepare for Deportivo

The squad will train on Monday and Tuesday mornings at the Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper and Guardiola will hold a press conference after Tuesday’s session. The squad will keep to their usual match day routine on Wednesday and train behind closed doors at the Nou Camp at 12-30. The players will then have lunch together and have the afternoon free before returning to the Nou Camp at 20.15 ahead of the 22.00 kick off.

Derby clash

There’ll be no time to celebrate, or lament, the Deportivo result, as Thursday sees the squad come together at 11.30 in the Ciutat Esportiva to prepare Saturday’s city derby against Espanyol. Friday’s session is set for a half hour earlier and then on Saturday the players will be at the Nou Camp for a final training session at noon. The squad will then meet up at 18.00 at the Nou Camp and 35 minutes later the team coach will take them across town to Cornella for the 20.00 kick off.

The squad will train at the Ciutat Esportiva at 12.00 on Sunday.
Two league games this week
Next stop, Milan
The following Monday, 19th April, the squad will travel to Milan ahead of Tuesday’s Champions League semi final first leg against Inter. The expedition will leave from the Nou Camp at 10.15 and train at the Giuseppe Meazza Stadium at 19.00.

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