13.11.2010 23:31
Zubi: “We are working on the option of Afellay”
Barça’s Director of Football, Andoni Zubizarreta, has confirmed the club’s interest in PSV’s winger Ibrahim Afellay.
There has been plenty of speculation surrounding the possible signing of the 24-year-old PSV man
and at half time tonight, Zubizarreta confirmed: “we are working on the option of Afellay and
we are working with PSV”.
No threat to youngster’s chances

explained: “he’s a player who interests us and he’s in the market –
we’ve always said we will keep an eye on the market”, although he didn’t reveal
if the move would be made in this winter’s market or next summer’s.
The Director of Football added that any possible signing wouldn’t close any doors for
the B team youngsters who are coming through: “the opportunities are here for all players and
they can come in very easily”.