27.05.2008 12:32
Toledo becomes the centre of Barça support
The capital of the La Mancha region was also the capital of Barça support last weekend, on May 17 and 18, where a major festival of local supporters clubs took place.
The Penya Barça de Toledo hosted the VI Trobada de Penyes de Castella-La Manxa. The beautiful
Castilian city welcomed guests from all around the community.
The organisers arranged a broad selection of activities in what turned out to be a lively
weekend for the ‘manchego’ supporters.
Jacint Borràs leads club representation
FC Barcelona was represented by board member Jacint Borràs, the director of the Social
Commission, Martín Martínez and former player, Julio Alberto Moreno. The event was also attended by
delegates for the local branch of the Advisory Council and also that of Madrid, José Mayenco and
Edmundo Bazo.
The main event of the weekend was the gala supper at the emblematic Restaurant Venta de
Aires, where the Barça director encouraged those present to show their faith in the new sporting
project being developed for next season. He said that “right now Barcelona supporters need to
be more united than ever”.
Ex player, Julio Alberto, spoke about the day to day work being done in conjunction with the
supporters clubs and the Fundació FC Barcelona and his views filled those present with optimism
with regard to the future.
The Castile and La Mancha delegate on the Advisory Council, José Mayenco, congratulated the
Penya Barça de Toledo and its president, Jesús González, for all the hard work that they had put
into organising this VI Trobada de Penyes.