More than a hundred people attended a celebration to mark the 35th anniversary of the Ribera Baixa Supporters’ Club.

The dinner was presided over
by the mayor of Sueca, Joan Baldoví and FCB director Patrick Auset. Also present was Ferran
Beltran, from the Board’s social commission, formerly president of the SC and brother of the
current president Jordi Beltran. A number of local SCs - Mareny, Riola, Fortaleny, Burjassot,
Benejúzar and Cullera - also sent representatives.

A video of the highlights of last
season was a shown plus another video outlining the history of the club. Patrick Auset
reminded those present that they could not dwell on last season’s success but needed to look
to the future. Jordi Beltran praised the work of his brother Ferran in founding the SC and the
mayor Joan Baldoví insisted that the strength of Barça is that it is “more than a