08.02.2011 09:54
Total cordiality ahead of Barça-Atlético game
Representatives of FC Barcelona and Atletico Madrid, as well as of their supporters clubs, came together under the auspices of the “Aficiones Unidas” for a lunch last Saturday.
Ahead of the game between Barça and Atletico at the Nou Camp last Saturday, a number of
representatives from the social areas of both clubs came together for lunch at the Restaurant
Visual de la Torre Catalunya to give an example of healthy rivalry and cordiality.
Julián Del Casar and Fernando Romero, President and Vicepresident of the Federació de penyes
atlètiques, together with Fernando Fariza, director of the Madrid club’s social area attended
on behalf of Atletico.
Barça were represented by Edmundo Bazo, delegate to the Consell Consultiu de Penyes for
Madrid, Josep Ramón Vidal-Abarca, director of the Àrea Econòmica i Estratègica, and Pau Vilanova,
head of the Comissió Social.
The two clubs’ representatives exchanged points of view over the development of the
supporters club movement with the aim of finding things in common in which they could both work.
The great rivalry between the fans was considered one of football’s greatest assets as long
as it is occurring within a context of respect and nn violence.