The supporters clubs took centre stage in the build-up to the FC Barcelona v Zaragoza match, with no fewer than 13 plaques being unveiled, and the posters for the supporters clubs meeting in Leon and Castellon were revealed.
Early on in the day of March 5, Pau Vilanova, director of the Social Commission, welcomed the Penya
Barcelonista La Vilavella and the Peña Culé La Asunción, from Llano de Navatejera into the club
offices. Both clubs are organising meetings in their zones in April and June respectively.
Vilanova first received the Peña Culé La Asunción, who presented him with the poster for the
IV Encuentro de Peñas de León y Provincia. In an informal atmosphere, the director of the Social
Commission, and the supporters’ club’s delegation, headed by its president, José Luis
García, chatted about recent club affairs and also the arrangements for the meeting that will be
held next June.
Meanwhile, the Penya Barcelonista La Vilavella presented the poster for the 13th Trobada de
Penyes Barcelonistes de Castelló, which will be held early next month. José Miguel Monlleó,
president of the supporters club, showed his enthusiasm for his club having the honour of hosting
such an important event.
Meeting with Vice president
Later, the presidents of the clubs that were unveiling their plaques were invited
to the Supporters Clubs Services Office. No fewer than thirteen crests were inaugurated. Pau
Vilanova, the Vice president of the Social Area, and Jordi Cardoner i Casaus, joined the new clubs,
along with almost all of the directors of the Social and Supporters Clubs commissions.