23.06.2011 12:11
Cambrils hosts X Trobada de Tarragona
Xavier Tauler
Cambrils became the centre of Barça supporters clubs in Tarragona when the local club hosted the X Trobada of penyas of Tarragona Nord. Vice President Jordi Cardoner represented the Club at the event which was held in an atmosphere of euphoria follow
Jordi Cardoner i Casaus with supporters in Cambrils.
Two months after celebrating their 50th anniversary, the PB Cambrils hosted the X Trobada de Penyes
Barcelonistes de Tarragona Nord, which brought together 26 clubs and more than 180 people at the
local Parc Sama de Vinyols. Social Area Vice President Jordi Cardoner i Casaus led the official
Club party, alongside Pau Vilanova, head of the Comssió Social. A procession of the clubs along the
promenade at Cambrils was the start of the event, which was held as part of the 50th anniversary
celebrations of the Club –an achievement itself marked by a special event with Club President
Sandro Rosell in April. Ex-players Valentí Mora and Julio Alberto Moreno, as well as the head of
the Club’s youth football sections, Albert Puig, himself a member of the Penya Barcelonista
de Cambrils also attended the event.
“We do our speaking on the pitch”
Sr Cardoner told the club members present: “we have to continue to have common sense,
respect and elegance – because these are the values that make our Club great – we do
our speaking on the pitch -our way of speaking is with the ball and by winning trophies”.