19.11.2010 08:37
Two supporters' clubs leave their mark at Camp Nou
El Pla del Penedès and Arquillos unveiled their crests last Saturday on occasion of the game between FC Barcelona and Vila-Real. Jordi Durà, Director of the Penyes Commission was given the honour.
45 members of the Peña Asociación de Futbol Arquigrana travelled from Jaen to see their crest
unveiled on the Camp Nou façade. Durà and supporters’ club president Jordi Alarcón, unveiled
the crest above gate 49 to the stadium.
Meanwhile, the Penya Barcelonista El Pla del Penedès also took advantage of the game against
the Yellow Submarine to officially unveil their crest, in this case over gate 43. Its president
Jordi Almirall, along with 30 fellow members, were clearly thrilled to see their crest added to the
façade of our stadium.
It was just the start to what must have been a wonderful evening for the members of both of
these clubs, since they were able to enjoy a thoroughly enjoyable game of top quality football