The XXXIV World Supporters Clubs Meeting got under way tonight as part of the Festa Barça. FCB vice president Jordi Cardoner was given the honour of initiating the proceedings.
The Barça directors at the opening of the XXXIV World Supporters' Club Meeting. Photo: Alex Caparrós
At 21.30, this year’s World Supporters Clubs Meeting got under way, which will go on at the
Camp Nou until August 22. Supporters club from Spain and the rest of the world have gathered on the
Festa Barça grounds at the stadium and have been offered all kinds of training. The vice president
of the FC Barcelona Social Area, Jordi Cardoner i Casaus, was there to open the XXXIV World
Supporters Clubs Meeting, where there was also a Basque dance and a human tower made by the
Castellers de Barcelona. According to the vice president, this is a great time to bring everyone
together because “we can take advantage of August to bring people to Barcelona from many
places, and we hope that from now on supporters clubs and members will see attendance as an
obligation”. Cardoner also said that “during the first day of the Festa Barça, about
2,500 have been here, and we are very happy with this social space”.
An institutional representation of the club has also enjoyed a supper with the Barça
supporters, including director Pilar Guinovart, Director General, Antoni Rossich, the Head of the
Social Commission, Pau Vilanova, and the directors

of the FC Barcelona Social and Supporters Clubs Commission, including Josep M.
100% Barça setting
The inauguration supper for the World Supporters Clubs Meeting was held in a unique venue
where the FCB sentiment was everywhere to be seen, the grounds of the Festa Barça. The club has

provided its members with facilities where they can play fussball, mini-football,
board games, go up in a hot air balloon and also visit spaces dedicated to the FC Barcelona or
simply enjoy some rest with refreshments provided courtesy of the club.
Congress to start on Sunday
Tomorrow morning is the first day of the XXXII World Supporters Clubs Congress in the Palau
de Congressos de Catalunya. A total of 732 supporters clubs members will meet to share their main
concerns and experiences regarding the supporters clubs movement, all of which will end with a gala
dinner. On Monday, more than 1,000 supporters clubs have registered for the second session of the