30.08.2011 16:29
Trobada closes at la Masia
The 34th Trobada Mundial de Penyes Barcelonistes finished this Monday at the Masia after a procession with the clubs’ standards around the Camp Nou.
Photo: Àlex Caparrós / FCB
The supporters club members joined the Festa Barça to follow the procession towards the Masia with
all their standards to put an end to the Trobada.
Les penyes, “a great team”
Once the procession arrived at the Masia, the Vice-president of the Social Area Jordi
Cardoner, who was accompanied by Director Jordi Moix and Social Commission members, Pau Vilanova
and Josep Maria Barnils thanked the participants for their support- especially: “those Penyes
who have come so far. The Penyes are a great team”.
Plaque and Flower Carpet
Before the Trobada came to an end, a special commemorative plaque was unveiled and the Penya
Barcelonista d’Arbúcies revealed a flower carpet in front of the Masia to celebrate the get
The Trobada served to lay the foundations for the 21st century Penyes movement, following the
successful Congrés de Penyes which was attended by more than 1,000 supporters club members coming
from 400 clubs.