The supporters clubs of L’Urpa and Collsuspina both unveiled their club crests of arms on the wall of the Gol Nord at the stadium.
The Penya L’Urpa in Barcelona and the Penya Barcelonista Collsuspina from Osona both had
their club crests unveiled at the stadium last Saturday.
The Director of the Comissió de Penyes, Daniel Casanovas did the honours at the unveiling of
the Penya Barcelonista Collsuspina crest, together with its president Josep Petitbo, which was held
at gate 105 of the stadium. Amongst
the 20 or so assistants at the event was the delegate to the Consell
Consultiu de Penyes for Osona and Ripollès, Francesc Xavier Canudas.
The Penya Barcelonista l’Urpa unveiled their plaque at gate 104 with Comissió de Penyes
director Elvira Pou accompanying the club president Jaume Capdevila in front of about 25 people,
including the delegate to the Consell Consultiu for Barcelona Occidental, Salvador Balsells, the
delegate for Anoia Penedès and Garraf, Jordi Abellán. The penya was previously based in de Santa
Margarida de Montbui, before moving to its current home in Sants in Barcelona.
The great day was rounded off perfectly with another impressive win for the team at the Camp